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Julia Alfano

BA(Hons), P.G.C.E. MSc. Ed.Psy. MSc. Foren. Psy. MBPS, C.Psychol.

Educational / Child Psychologist

Julia is a fully qualified chartered Educational Psychologist, registered with the Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC), providing psychological assessment of cognition and learning, language and communication, social and emotional needs, and physical and sensory needs.


She has extensive experience working with children, young adults and families in a variety of contexts including schools, colleges, pre-schools, foster and residential care, secure units, with CAMHS, Behaviour Support Teams, the Virtual School, Social Care, and  Youth Offending Teams.


Julia takes a systemic approach to working with children and young people. She looks at the presenting concerns and needs of the individual and explores what is happening in their life.  This is carried out through a mixture of direct assessment and consultation with the family and place of education.  Influencing factors may include family, school, learning difficulties, friendship difficulties, bereavement or some significant life event. Julia believes in working closely with parents to mobilise support for their child/teen and will offer personalised therapeutic support and guidance for the family.

Julia Alfano

Educational Psychology

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